
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Our first 24 Hour Prayer Event!

Announcing our first 24 hour prayer event this Friday 2/4/11-2/5/11 from 7pm-7pm at Grace Tabernacle Church, 98 Glenwood Ave, most likely to be held in the family center across the street from the sanctuary. We will have a variety of worship leaders, alternating with background music as well as art stations. We desire to create an energized atmosphere to allow for quiet personal prayer, individual intercession and focused intercession where we can all agree together in prayer for this city, this nation and the world. Intercession topics will likely include ending human trafficing, ending abortion, stopping crime in Binghamton, praying for the poor and rough areas in Binghamton, the lost in Binghamton and asking God for more of His Love, His power, His life and His healing to be revealed in our lives and through our churches. We will pray for unity among believers as well. We believe that calling on the name of the Lord is the only hope for the problems in the world around us, and that He hears and responds to our prayers. We know that He wants to help us partner with Him to advance the Kingdom of God and that through Jesus Christ, we have victory, power and authority. We will also pray for God's provision and direction for a house of prayer in Binghamton that will one day see 24 hour prayer, 7 days a week, where the people of God can come day and night to give worship, prayer, and supplication to our God. Please join us if you can! Keep checking back for updates.


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