
The Vision

BHOP-NY Vision Statement

The Binghamton House of Prayer will offer Jesus unremitting adoration and take a stand in prayer for the manifestation of God’s justice in every realm of life by being…

A place where members of the body of Christ can discover renewed passion for God, consecrating themselves in holiness and fasting, while spending intimate time with Him.

A place of lavishing our love on Jesus and encountering His passionate love for us as Bridegroom, Judge and coming King.

A place of unwavering devotion to truth where the scriptures are our songs, our prayers and our standard.

A place of healing, deliverance and restoration where the power and activity of the Holy Spirit is honored and welcomed.

A place to cry out for our world, country, cities, communities, and campuses for salvation, restoration, mercy and justice.

A place of authentic relationships that consist of servanthood, discipleship, accountability, and fellowship.

A place where the First Commandment, of loving God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength, is kept in first place, where our acts of service and evangelism are birthed out of intimacy with Jesus and the empowering of the Holy Spirit, not forsaking our First Love, but bringing others to encounter Him.

A place of patient endurance and steadiness, moving towards establishing prayer and worship 24/7/365, where we will wait for the Lord to breakthrough with power and to establish His Kingdom on the Earth.

Some of the Scriptures that helped us form this vision:

Lev 6:13, 1 Chron 16, 1 Chron 23-25, 2 Chron 7, Psalm 27, Psalm 63, Isaiah 62:6-7, Matt 22:34-40, Luke 2:36-38, Luke 18:1-8, Col 4:2,12, Rev 5:6-10