

Hello friends,
Most of you probably already know that a significant part of the focus of the Binghamton House of Prayer is praying for life and awakening in the church and in particular, the church of Binghamton. While this remains to be our main focus, BHOP-NY has grown to represent much more. We are thrilled to have you join us on the site today because we are going to take a moment to describe just one of several ways the vision of this ministry has expanded in the past amazing 20 months!
For those of you who join us on Tuesday nights at the City Light Cafe, thank you! We are sowing seeds in fields unseen, but the seeds and the harvest are as real as anything else on earth. It is an honor to worship and pray with you every week. In addition to this weekly prayer service, there are other peripheral items which have emerged as definitive elements in the BHOP-NY vision. Just as we have experienced a stirring toward evangelism, greater personal spiritual growth, and the building up of the local church through special teaching/worship services, the past year has brought with it a heart-felt connection between the Binghamton House of Prayer and world missions.

This particular increase of fervor should not come as a surprise. Our passion is to be close to His heartbeat ...and the world is on His heart!
Currently, there are three avenues through which BHOP-NY will be partnering with the mission field: First, through targeted corporate prayer in our Tuesday night prayer service. Second, through partnering with individuals with whom the Lord has connected us. We will do this by sharing brief stories right here on this site so we can join with these heroes in prayer and/or in direct practical action to answer specific difficulties they face in the field. Third,we will be organizing periodic mission trips to bring worship, prayer, and practical services to remote places where worship, intercession, and the love of God is most desperately needed. Our trip to Guatemala was unforgettable, and filled with amazing testimonies from salvation, to healing miracles, to young men in the mountain tribes being called to the ministry. Please look for announcements of upcoming trips and consider joining us for an experience of a lifetime.
Spiritual life can at times seem rather complex, but ultimately is about walking intimately with God, and reaching out to the lost - the greatest two commandments of loving God and our neighbor. Connecting with world missions is a natural outworking of these two principles. Moreover, it is a mandate handed to us by Jesus himself. I am convinced that we cannot be close to His heart and ignore the great commission..
Please check this site from time to time for opportunities to partner with some of the most amazing people we have ever met. We will be doing so in both prayer and in direct assistance, and we will be posting some exciting stories you will not want to miss! Every posting will first appear in the main section of this site, and then will later be available on the "World Missions" page.
Again, thank you so much for joining us. You all ARE the Binghamton House of Prayer. Please pray for this ministry, and check this site from time to time for general announcements, messages, and exciting new postings from BHOP-NY WORLD MISSIONS!

Thank you,
The BHOP Leadership Team